
Broadmeadow Junior School

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Knowledge, Growth, Dependability and Contribution


Our Core Curriculum

Our Foundation Curriculum


A Knowledge – rich approach:

Our curriculum has been designed with knowledge at its heart - both declarative (what the children know) and procedural (what the children can do). It aims to empower children with the knowledge that they are entitled to: knowledge that will nourish both them and the society of which they are members. This knowledge is sequenced and mapped out deliberately and coherently so that it is taught to be remembered, not merely encountered.


Curriculum Design:

Our broad and balanced curriculum has been designed and planned in precise detail so that we can constantly review and build on what has been taught previously.

All staff across the school are involved in shaping our curriculum to ensure that it is accessible and effective for all of our children.

We have focused on developing a curriculum which we believe is ‘right’ for our children because it delivers the National Curriculum objectives in a way which takes account of the unique character of our school and the academic, personal and social needs of our children. This curriculum, and their involvement in it, will empower our children with the cultural capital needed to develop as active, informed citizens of the community and as lifelong learners with a passion for enquiry and understanding.


Key Learning Principles:

As well as our academic focus, the curriculum that we have designed holds our key learning principles at its heart; resilience, confidence and independence. We believe that these are lifelong skills and aim to provide opportunities to develop these throughout our curriculum.


Resilience - we aim to provide experiences which provide pupils with the opportunity to stretch themselves, develop a ‘growth mind-set’ and encourage them to understand that hard work and perseverance lead to progress.

Confidence – we aim to develop pupil’s confidence in sharing their learning, expressing opinions and talking to others.

Independence - we aim to provide experiences which foster innovation and intellectual curiosity and develop learners who think for themselves and own their own learning.


Broadmeadow Curriculum Map

Click on the links below to see a brief outline of what is covered in each Year group over the course of the year at Broadmeadow. You can also click here to see the National Curriculum.

Want to know more about our Curriculum?

We hope our curriculum pages will give you the information on what your child will learn. If you have any questions, or would like to find out more about our curriculum , please contact Mrs A Hankinson by completing the form below. You will receive a response within 2 working days.

House Points

House Points

  • Oak 2022-23 House Point Trophy Winners
  • Ash
  • Elm
  • Pine



  • 3H
  • 3B
  • 4S
  • 4W
  • 5T
  • 5B
  • 6D
  • 6H

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