Our Team
We believe all children have a right to feel and be safe and happy. We have a dedicated pastoral team in school who take great pride in nurturing our pupils and ensuring they are happy in school.
It cannot be over-stressed how the pastoral care of all of our pupils is the responsibility of the whole community. The way we treat, talk to, interact with and indeed teach pupils all contribute to the quality of their welfare, but sometimes for whatever reasons this may not always be easy to do. Our team is here to help!
Whatever your concerns may be, please come and speak with someone or telephone the office if you need advice.
We have two members of staff who work from The Sunshine Room in school, they are Mrs Finnerty our Senior Learning Mentor and Miss Hackett Learning Mentor. They are also part of our DSL staff (Designated Safeguarding Leads) in school.
Our DSLs at Broadmeadow Junior School
This is our Safeguarding team in school.
If you have any worries or concerns about a child please speak to someone in school immediately,
either by phone or in person.
If we are not in school and you have concerns you can contact the Children's Advice and Support Service (CASS). They provide a single point of contact for professionals and members of the public who want to seek support or raise concerns about a child.
You can contact them on 0121 303 1888.
The mental health and wellbeing of all members of our Broadmeadow family is extremely important to us and this is embedded across all that we do as a school. Our children are taught to recognise that we all have both physical and mental health and that this can fluctuate at different times. Children are regularly given opportunities to reflect on their own physical and mental health; to think about what things have a positive and negative impact on these; and to begin to develop their own understanding of what helps them to remain physically and mentally healthy.
Our whole-school approaches to health and wellbeing are also supported by more targeted provisions for small groups and individuals. Mrs Hankinson, Deputy Headteacher, is our Senior Mental Health Lead and works closely with our Learning Mentors and ELSA as well as with external agencies.
This outlines some of the support that can be provided within school as well as support available from external providers.
School Provision |
Within school our SENDCo, oversees our graduated approach to support as set out in the SEND Local Offer.
We use Provision Map to record provisions and to create Pupil Profiles and support plans.
CPOMs is used to inform support
External support is accessed at an appropriate time based on individual cases and needs.
Outreach Support |
Birmingham Educational Psychology Service offer support from the Complex Communication Needs Team
We can access the Pupil and School Support Service.
Support for Children, Parents and Carers
School Leadership:
Headteacher – Mr K Medway
Deputy Headteacher – Mrs A Hankinson
Inclusion Support team
SENDCo – Mrs C Elsmore
Designated Teacher for Looked after and Previously Looked after children - Mrs C Elsmore
Early Help/Family Support – Mrs R Finnerty
ELSA – Miss K Hackett
Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mr K. Medway
Deputy DSL – Mrs R Finnerty
Deputy DSL – Mrs A Hankinson
Deputy DSL - Miss K Hackett
Deputy DSL – Mrs C Elsmore
Safeguarding and Chair - Mrs Denise Latham
Pupil Premium and Vice Chair - H Hayhurst
Co-opted Governors –K Norman, D. McEvilly (SEND)
Parent Governor – Mr S Bennett (Health and Safety)
Clerk – Mrs S Vernon
Attendance Overview
K Smith and K Medway
Attendance Officer
M Stephens
Pupil Premium Co-ordinator, RSE and PSHE Lead
Mrs A Hankinson
To contact anyone listed above please contact the school office: (0121) 4641717
Birmingham Children’s trust and Family Hubs,- best start for life have made all of their courses available. A list and description of each can be found in the document below. Please let us know if we can support with signing you onto any of the courses.
They are free of charge to those living in Birmingham.
A Caring Place to Learn and Grow